Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Several Lessons Important in Building an Impressive Portfolio

Several lessons that I have learnt in the development of a legacy is that a career is more than just having a job for several years. Over the past 25 years that I have worked with you my friends in this company I have made a lot of friends and learnt a lot from you. This makes me very grateful since I had the opportunity to learn many important lessons and exchange ideas which enabled me to build my career to the greatest heights. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Several Lessons Important in Building an Impressive Portfolio specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Several achievements were accomplished while I worked at this organization with you; some of them include the implementation of a new financial reporting standard, acquisition of a financial system and creation of a streamlined finance department. Since I joined this organization as an entry clerk I have worked hard and learnt through the job from very experien ced colleagues and I would like to salute them today. In undertaking my duties with you I have always ensured that I involve all the necessary employees in the organizations duties and ensured that we do work as a team. I have worked at different levels of this organization and this presented a lot of challenges to me and the colleagues we worked together. However, these challenges ensured that we grew mentally and were better placed to handle these challenges when they reoccurred. I feel very happy having worked with this organization and I return my gratitude to the organization’s management in helping build my educational background while working for the company. Through educational skills acquired while working with this organization has helped build an impressive portfolio necessary for handling some duties assigned to me. I hope that my hard work, resilience and passion will inspire many of you to do better than I have especially the new employees joining this large o rganization (Kroth, 2009). Lessons Learnt Over the years I have worked for these organizations I have learnt several lessons important in building an impressive portfolio. One of the lessons learnt is that a career has many challenges which are surmountable if one has the patience, understanding, skills and passion. In the development of a good legacy, relevant work experience and education are important in building a remarkable portfolio that will enable an individual to tackle challenging situations at any career level. I as well learnt that education is very important in career development since it empowers an individual with necessary skills in securing the targeted job within an organization (Kroth, 2009). Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Education is a pillar in the development of a good portfolio because it enables you to interact with various people across different industries. As a result it inculcates appreciation of skills of other people and helps one understand the importance of working together as a team within an organization. The development of a portfolio is a major step into the career journey and eventual development of a legacy. During the undertaking of my duties I learnt that networking with different people was very important and it helped in the exchange of ideas across different organizations and regions (Raelin, 2002). A good portfolio according to the lessons learnt in the organization must comprise of notable achievements accomplished by a specific person in a certain field or industry. Achievements speak a lot about the character of an individual because employers/individuals believe in actions better than words. Therefore I believe hard work and success were the best lessons learnt in developing a portfolio. References Kroth, M. Christensen, M. (2009). Career Development Basics. Chicago, IL: American Society for Trainin g and Development. Raelin, J. (2002). Personal Career Development for Professionals. Boston, MA: Beard Books. This essay on Several Lessons Important in Building an Impressive Portfolio was written and submitted by user Lucille Whitley to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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